Feb 4th
・Nippon Budokan Nihon Kobudo Taikai ( Biannual participation alternately with Soden-Ke)
April 23rd
・Yaebina shrine
May 21st
・Isonokami-Futsumitama Shrine
Lunar calender June 24th
・Ryuusosai ( Founders festival at Headquarters )
August 14th
・Ryozanji temple Gohou Matsuri
September 2nd
・Izumo Taisha
October 9th
・Haga-Go Sannomiya Shrine
October 22nd
・Atsuta Jingu
November 3rd
・Meiji Jingu
『新装増補版 日本柔術の源流 竹内流』
"New Edition The origin of Jiu-Jitsu Takenouchi-ryu"- 2019
In addition to the original Japanese text which was published in 1979, an English version is added. The overall picture of Japanese ancient martial arts and how Jiu-Jitsu emerged and how it eventually transitioned to Judo and BJJ is explained. The influence of Takenouchi-ryu to various martial artists such as the ancient legend Miyamoto Musashi to the modern hero Maeda Mitsuyo are fully shown as well.
『日本の古武道 竹内流柔術~腰廻小具足』
"Japanese ancient martial arts Takenouchi-ryu Jiu-Jitsu
~ koshinomawari kogusoku"-2000
『神伝の武術 竹内流 - 日本柔術はここから始まった』
"The divine gifted martial arts Takenouchi-ryu
- Japanese Jiu-Jitsu started from here"-1997
『日本柔術の源流 竹内流』
"The origin of Jiu-Jitsu Takenouchi-ryu"-1979
久米郡史編纂委員会 (1984) 『久米郡史』久米郡教育委員会
松田隆智 (1978) 『秘伝 日本柔術』新人物往来社
石井光次郎、嘉納履正、永野重雄 (1970) 『柔道百年の歴史』講談社
金光弥一兵衛 (1958) 『岡山県柔道史』金光弥一兵衛
丸山三造 (1939) 『大日本柔道史』講道館
国書刊行会 (1915) 『武術叢書』国書刊行会
矢吹金一郎 (1913) 『作陽誌』作陽古書刊行会